John Kruithof's Corner
John Kruithof has offered the following documents relating to his personal and professional life.
A documented history of the quest for equality in External Affairs 1987/1993
AFFSC Diplomatic Status story by John Kruithof.pdf
CBS vs LES - John's continued struggle
John has also contributed six of his notes for presentations given to social, fraternal and church organizations in the Ottawa area.
2011-11-02 Manotick Speech final.pdf
Heerjansdam during the Second World War.pdf
Expanded story of Heerjansdam during the Second World War.pdf
A vigilant historian, John has tracked down and obtained permission to republish an article written by a namesake, not family-related, living in Australia.
WW II Timeline - The Netherlands - Illustrated.pdf
© OFARTS Canada 2013 Old Foreign Affairs Retired Technicians, Canada The opinions expressed here are those of the contributors. Accuracy of facts has not been verified in all cases.