While in New York on a SPF installation and testing of the installation I had the company of three of Barton’s crew and we often spent our evening in one of the apartments the Consulate rented for the duration of our stay. During one of the evenings one of the installers told of a visit to Bucharest and his weekend visit to the hills where Count Dracula had his castle.
While in the area they stopped at a pub and spent quite some time quaffing a few. Half way home from the pub they decided to pull over to the side of the road to relieve themselves. There were five of them, including Clive England, lined up across the side of the road with a narrow ledge overlooking a steep slope with a big farmers field at the bottom.
Unfortunately Clive, while standing on the side, lost his footing and tumbled down the embankment. He had a long climb back up to the road. While he gathered himself one of the Brits noticed a cow patty by the side of the road and picked it up. It was shaped like a Frisbee and flew like one. The disk flew in an arc and hit Clive squarely on the side of his head, breaking apart on contact and spilling its loose and smelly contents.
Everyone rushed back to the car and locked the doors fearing the wrath of Clive; Clive pounded on the car for quite some time before cooling down.
I doubt Clive knows today who was the perpetrator of this ghastly deed.
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